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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

        This assignment was one of the harder ones beacuse I couldnt find a picturet o put my self in , until I found this. It took me a couple classes to find this picture, this picture had a perfect space between two protesters that I could fit in. After I found the picture I took a picture of myself from behind to make it look like I confronting the police officer infront of me.

       The main tool that I used for this assignment was the clonestamp tool, I cut my self out the picture with the classroom and placed my self in the middle of the G20 picture. I had to get rid of parts that didnt belong and put back parts that do belong.

      Out of all the assignments this might of been my favourite because I finished fairly quickly and it didn't take much effort because I used tools that made my life much easier.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Finding a picture that I thought that I could do was hard because I had to search for almost a class to find a picture that I could easily do. After searching for 45 minutes I finally found a picture of a movie called Fighting, this poster looked easy to do so I saved it and started on the title and the names. I couldn't find a font in photo shop that perfectly matched the movie poster font so I went to a web site and found one that looked pretty close to the actual movie poster.
         After finishing the title and names I took a picture of myself and put it on the background that I was working on. I used the clone stamp tool to get rid of the darker shade of white and used an effect to make me look like I was grey.After finishing that I checked for mistakes and everything seemed fine.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Agenda Cover

This assignment was one of the easier ones , because it didn't take much effort to complete to specifications. I first started by obtaining the agenda outline and fitting my border to  the bleed line, then I made a background. After completing the background and border , I searched google to find a picture that would perfectly represent our school colours and team mascot. After searching for a couple of minutes I found a picture of a cartoon angel. After getting the picture I made it the same colour as the border ,  and then I used a web site that has a fonts of different varieties to make the title and the logo on the angels chest.  

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Never bring a dog in a cheetah race

 I found this picture on Google Images, I was looking for a tiger at first but I couldn't find a picture of a tiger running. So I ended up searching for a cheetah running and I found the picture of a cheetah running in the grasslands.The angle of the cheetah was perfect for my impossible reality, and the dirt being kicked in the air also worked perfectly in my picture.
I also found this picture on Google Images, this picture was much easier to find. I searched for a dog race , and this picture popped out at me and I knew this would be the perfect picture to work with my cheetah picture.
I first cropped the cheetah picture and then transferred it to the dog race picture.After completing that task  I used the clone stamp tool and copied the background and then went to the cheetah and got rid of the background of the grasslands. So it would look like the cheetah was on the track, after completing that I had to darken the picture of the cheetah because it was to bright.The rest of the picture was basically done, I just had to get rid of edges and put dirt under the paw of the cheetah. So it would like the cheetah kicked up the dirt while running.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010




This assignment took me awhile to do because I couldn't find a picture that can be done easily by a person with my skill. I first tried to do a cars picture but that attempt failed because that picture was to hard for me to complete, so I searched all over the Internet to find a picture that I could easily do for this assignment. My search finally paid off because I found this picture on Google Images , this picture is from a video game called Crisis.

The original picture shows two soldiers having a conversation while other soldiers in the background are doing various tasks , I decided to get rid of the two soldiers in the background so it could show that the two main soldiers are having a very private and personal conversation without anyone listening.

I first started with the soldier farthest back , I used the clone stamp tool to make him disappear. Then I got rid of the soldier working at the boxes , and I also got rid of the boxes and filled in the ground where they were standing on with frost covered grass . I was thinking about getting rid of the ship in the background but it was to hard to do with so little pieces of the sky to use.