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Wednesday, September 29, 2010




This assignment took me awhile to do because I couldn't find a picture that can be done easily by a person with my skill. I first tried to do a cars picture but that attempt failed because that picture was to hard for me to complete, so I searched all over the Internet to find a picture that I could easily do for this assignment. My search finally paid off because I found this picture on Google Images , this picture is from a video game called Crisis.

The original picture shows two soldiers having a conversation while other soldiers in the background are doing various tasks , I decided to get rid of the two soldiers in the background so it could show that the two main soldiers are having a very private and personal conversation without anyone listening.

I first started with the soldier farthest back , I used the clone stamp tool to make him disappear. Then I got rid of the soldier working at the boxes , and I also got rid of the boxes and filled in the ground where they were standing on with frost covered grass . I was thinking about getting rid of the ship in the background but it was to hard to do with so little pieces of the sky to use.

Friday, September 17, 2010







    Out of all the photo Restoration pictures , this one was the hardest to complete because I had to make sure the fabric followed the same pattern on the shirt. The first thing I started on was the brim of his hat , I aligned the brim and shaded it in to make it look the same as the rest of the hat.

    After completing the hat I started to restore the left sleeve, this step was the hardest part of this picture because it was hard to duplicate the sleeve pattern on the right angle. After completing the hard task of duplicating the sleeve, I started to work on the Esso tag. This step wasn't as hard as the sleeve but it was hard to complete. I had to duplicate the white background and then use the other letters to create the "O" in Esso. 

After completing the hard task of the sleeve and logo , I started on the easier task of filling in the background and restoring the cracks around his neck and collar. After completing all the visible flaws, I moved on to the next assignment.


          Out of all the photo restoration pictures the Asian-American lady was the easiest to do. I first started with her hair , the colour and texture was uneven so I cloned the good parts of her hair and stamped it on the messed up parts of her hair. After restoring her hair I worked on the background, I finished the background really quickly. 
         Fixing her shirt was the hardest part of this picture because there was so many missing parts of her shirt. I ended finishing the picture faster then the others , because there wasn't a lot of small details to fix in the picture. 









At first I started with the clouds because it look the easiest to me , I used the clone stamp tool to get rid of the lines in the clouds. After completing the clouds I got rid of the lines in the grass and still kept the earth texture , so it wouldn't  look photo shopped.

    Then I got rid of the lines on the boys by using the same tool as before , this step was much harder then the rest because I had to make there body look natural with out messing up the picture.This picture was hard to me because this was the first picture I did one I joined this class and I didn't really know how to use the tools. But luckily the concept wasn't really hard to grasp, so I understood what to do and I completed the picture.